Electric music instrument circuit evolution
Date: 12.12.2022
- Analog vs Digital
- The word analogue is used to reflect the concept when some physical phenomenon is converted into its electric signal analogue.
- The word digital is used when a phenomenon properties are coded, then decoded.
- Digital circuits are built from “analog” components.
- Sequencers can’t be built without digital circuits.
- I would divide sequencer to analog and digital based on whether the data is stored digitally or not.
- Selected sequencer timeline:
- 1964 Master Timer of Integrated Synthesizer
- 1964-65(?) Buchla 123 (example)
- 1967 Moog 960 (example)
- 1968 Sähkökvartetti
- 1968 Andromatic
- 1969 DICO
- 1970 (or late 1969) Moog Coordinated Electronic Studio (CEMS)
- Selected electronics timeline:
- 1947 BJT Transistors
- 1960 NORBIT (RTL/DTL = resistor-transistor-logic/diode-transistor-logic), ±6V (wikipedia)
- 1961 µL900 family +3.6V (reverse engineering project)
- ? MC700 (RTL) +3.6V (datasheets)
- 1964 DIP/DIL package
- 1964 7400-series (TTL) (wikipedia)
- 1965 µA709 opamp
- 1968 µA741 opamp
- 1968 4000-series (CMOS) (wikipedia)
- 1978 TL07X opamp