List of DIMI-A synthesizers

While DIMI-A was intended to be mass produced, Kurenniemi only built two units. During and after my reverse engineering project, I have built two units myself.

Two original units are quite close to each other, but there are couple details setting the apart. We don’t actually know whether two original DIMIs were built simultaneously, or if Kurenniemi built then after one another.

My units are not trying to be complete clones of the original, and there are few major differencies compared to original DIMIs. My DIMIs are also heavily modded in order to study and improve original circuits.


UHMRL DIMI-A, September 2022

One of the original DIMIs was sold and has been in the collections of University of Helsinki Music Research Laboratory since.

Andromeda DIMI-A

Lundsten ordered DIMI from Kurenniemi in May 1970[1]. Lundsten used it for a while in his Andromeda studio, but ended up donating it to the collections of Musikmuseet Stockholm during late 1970s. Musikmuseet collection is nowadays part of Scenkonstmuseet (Swedish museum of performing arts) under Musikverket. Lundsten closed his studio totally in 2014, and the rest of his equipment is now stored in same collection.


DIR-1 DIMI, February 2016

This is the first DIMI-A I built as part of the reverse engineering project supported by The Finnish Cultural Foundation.

The case is made with aluminium sheets (as the originals). Original units have some sheets painted in black and another anodized to green or gold. I skipped that and kept the sheets untouched.


DIR-2 DIMI, September 2022

The second DIMI I built was made during residence at Dimension+ in Taipei, Taiwan.

On this one the case has panels on the side and top of the instrument made out of transparent acrylic sheets. The main reason was to have one instrument for exhibition purposes allowing people to see the actual PCBs.


The third DIR DIMI was built during workshop at Aalto Media Lab in December 2022.


  1. Erkki Kurenniemi’s diary (red/turquoise)